Canyon Dam began restricting the release of water to 50cfs after Septemeber 30 2008.
I noticed shortly after the Flow from Canyon Dam was reduced there was an increase in activity from the Nutria, these nasty invader species will work very hard to destroy the habit. The recently exposed cypress roots were high on menu. The damage to the trees is minimal but could make the trees more vulnerable in the future to flood and disease. Also, unsettling to say the least these since these animals do not belong in this river so the fact that they would get a chance to create damage at all is a bit of man’s own blunder. I am in contact with the city river authority and they have pictures as well, hopefully a solution can be found, to help these trees defend themselves. The river and its cypress- lined banks define this community in so many ways, to have it marred for years to come is unthinkable.